We hear it all of the time – “We’re not putting a label on it,” or “They just don’t believe in labels.” Ditching titles like “dating,” or “in a relationship,” even “boyfriend / girlfriend,” is a re…
Why are Increasing Numbers of Women Choosing to be Single?
The number of women living this way is steadily growing, as they understand that being single has its advantages. The Office for National Statistics shows that women not living in a couple is risin…
How to DTR (Define The Relationship)
Defining a relationship is terrifying. I’m not here to sugarcoat it, or make it seem easier than it is, but I do have a few tips for how to get it done. We all want to know what our relations…
Detecting Healthy and Unhealthy Relationship Features
Communication is an everyday encounter we have with individuals who are part of our lives. A close bond between two people relies heavily on familiarity and the ability to exhibit vulnerability amo…
What Men Want: Asking Men With Different Sexual Preferences What They Like and Dislike
Getting into the mind of a man is easy if you play your cards right. Men date for two things; sex or companionship. There is no in-between, the outcome will either hurt or help you. There are two t…
Dating in 2019: Being Ghosted
This isn’t the early 2000s where people meet and converse without the internet, nowadays we match on tinder, or slide in DMs. This dating life is less romantic and more confusing. People don’t expr…
TUC 5: Signs She’s Into You
It can be hard to know if a girl you have heart eyes for, feels the same about you. People can be awkward when it comes to sharing their feelings, or just simply not catch some obvious signs that c…
I-N-D-E-P-E-N-D-E-N-T, Do You Know What That Means ?
It’s no secret that things have changed since our parents were growing up. Technology is more advance, fashion trends have evolved, and relationships are much different than what they used to be. S…
The Wait. DeVon and Meagan Give Us Real Relationship Advice.
photo courtesy of www.huffingtonpost.com Meagan and DeVon Franklin teamed up in marriage and love and released: The Wait: A Powerful Practice for Finding the Love of Your Life and the Life You Love…