Thinking and feeling are a part of being human, but in our imperfections, we often lose control of our own emotions and thoughts. Anger can be good if it is for a correct cause, being angry isnR…
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Why We Sometimes Struggle to Take Our Own Advice
I don’t know about you, but I’m definitely one of those people that struggle with taking their own advice at times. We all do it from time to time, but why? Why is it so easy to drop wo…
Why Do Fans Keep Throwing Stuff at Artists in Their Concerts?
It seems like lately fans have been throwing things at artists a lot more frequently at their concerts; it’s almost like a trend. First, we have fans throwing their bras at Drake, then we hav…
Pretty Privilege: A Blessing Or A Curse?
Everyone is chasing after beauty in today’s society. With social media, the idea that beauty is important is more present than ever. Although men can be affected by this, women are heavily in…
How to Handle Workplace Conflict
Since we all have different personalities, views, and opinions, we aren’t always going to see eye to eye because of this, disagreements in the workplace are inevitable. It is crucial, however…
AI Shaping the Future of Art
There’s a man on TikTok who finds locations of pictures that people send him. He would discover the precise place and assist individuals in reuniting with their loved ones or in relishing their mem…
Why Everyone Should Start Thrifting
If you haven’t already started thrifting, you need to hop on the hype train now! The thrift is most known to be a treasure trove for chic influencers to make fashionable clothing finds. However, it…
Plastic Surgeons and Sexual Assault: The Disturbing Reality Hidden Behind Closed Doors
“What was she wearing?” is the unfortunate response heard all too often, regarding rape or any form of sexual assault. Negating the actions of the abuser while simultaneously victim blaming, the st…
Unmarried, Childfree Women Are Happier.
“The crazy cat lady”, is a stereotype I’m sure we have all heard before. The term is used to negatively describe single, typically older women with no kids. Mainstream media has further perpetuated…
How to Face and Embrace Your Insecurities
Since humans are imperfect; we are going to experience insecurities about ourselves. When we think of “insecurities” we think of physical insecurities, but in reality insecurities are m…