It can be hard to know if a girl you have heart eyes for, feels the same about you. People can be awkward when it comes to sharing their feelings, or just simply not catch some obvious signs that can save you from rejection. Take a look at these helpful tips to help you see if she’s really interested!
She Ask’s Questions
People ask questions when they’re interested in knowing more about someone or something. If she continues to ask about your hobbies, family, and goals in conversations, chances are she’s digging you.
She Pay’s Attention
When talking to her, notice if she’s making intense eye contact with you. If so she’s probably thinking about how much she’s falling for you.
She Make’s Herself Available
A girl won’t cancel plans with friends unless it’s to hang out with someone she’s really into. If you find her becoming available every time you ask to chill, chances are she’s canceling plans to be with you.
She Get’s Personal
Try noticing how conversations change. If topics start to get more intense and personal overtime, it show’s that she’s really comfortable and trusts you.
She’s Active On Your Instagram & Snapchat
If you notice she’s the first to like your photos, or watch your snap stories, it could be that she was really excited to see your face. If she does this often, like a few photos back and don’t be hesitant to send her a DM.
If she’s doing any of the above, then you’re in luck! Keep noticing the signs and body language and soon enough you’ll have someone that’s all about you.