Defining a relationship is terrifying. I’m not here to sugarcoat it, or make it seem easier than it is, but I do have a few tips for how to get it done.
We all want to know what our relationship with our significant other is, whether it’s something casual, or on the road to something more serious. But, we never know where to start that conversation, the dreaded conversation of defining the relationship.
The first piece of advice I have is to make sure you’re ready (emotionally and physically) to DTR. If you do not think it has been enough time in the relationship to define it, wait a little while, you’ll know when the time is right.
My second piece of advice is to set the mood. Setting the mood means finding the right time and place for the conversation. There is no right time period for when to DTR, but you will know in your heart if you are ready for it (maybe it’s 4 weeks or 4 months after you started talking). The conversation should be done in a private place, maybe somewhere special to you two. It’s important to arrive separately, do not drive together, in case it doesn’t end as planned (sometimes we have to prepare for the worst, we’ve all experienced failed DTRs).
When going about the conversation, confidence is key. It is incredibly important to have confidence in yourself and your relationship with your significant other. Express how much they mean to you, how much fun you have had with them, and that you could really see a future with them. Do not overwhelm them, speak your mind, and then allow them to speak theirs. Remember that it is a conversation, not you lecturing them.
Your significant other may not be ready to DTR yet, and that’s okay. Remember that a relationship is a two-sided street, and both of you must be ready for the commitment. If they need time to think, give them the space and time they need. No decision needs to be made right away.
Defining the relationship is different for everyone. You can never predict how it is going to go. Just remember to have confidence in yourself and your relationship. Good luck my friends, I believe in you. Go define your relationship!