This isn’t Kanye’s workout plan. You’ll actually have to put in physical work to get what you want. Was one of your New Year’s Resolutions to work on your fitness? Or are you ready to hit the pool or beach but not feeling that confident with your body? It’s never too late to start working out. You can start today…as in right now! You don’t have to spend hours in the gym or run marathons to get in shape. You can start small and then build to the big stuff if that’s your goal. Below are 3 quick and easy workout moves to get closer to your summer bod and fitness goals.
Bicycle crunches:
Bicycle crunches are a great alternative to a traditional crunch. This easy exercise incorporates your abs, legs, and arms. You’ll want to make sure that you are not rushing this move and taking time to breathe. Do 3 sets of 10 cycles to start to feel a great burn. Be sure to not tug on your neck to not cause strains.
Lunge Jumps:
This light cardio workout will get your legs warmed up quickly. This exercise will mainly target your legs to make them stronger. Start out slow with your lunge jumps to make sure that your form is good. Your back should be straight and one knee should be at a 90-degree angle and the other should not touch the ground. If you have trouble keeping your balance or leaning more to one side, act like your holding a ball to refocus your energy. Do at least 3 sets of 12 to get your heart rate up.
The simplest, but one of the hardest moves on the list. Planks are an ultimate core workout. Doing a plank on your elbows will not only target your core but will also tone other areas like your shoulders, arms, chest, quads, and glutes. Try and aim to hold your plank for 30 to 45 seconds. Once that becomes easier, start holding your plank for a minute or more. Need something a little less intense? Do a plank push-up style.
For an extra challenge, lift your arms and legs alternatively while doing a push-up style plank time.