It’s been 8 months since lockdown first began yet we are still caught in the midst of this raging pandemic. While many of us are growing fatigued over the continued periods of quarantine and isolation, unfortunately, more dark days lay ahead of us as a second wave prepares to strike. Uptakes of coronavirus can be seen throughout the country, most recently with the President and a few Republican senators catching the virus. However, the U.S isn’t alone in its increased cases, over in Germany, as of Thursday the country has experienced 4,000 new infections.As the weather gets colder and flu season goes into full effect, here are some ways to protect yourself from the second wave.
Get Flu Shot Vaccine
As flu season kicks off, getting your vaccine this year has become more important than ever. With the pandemic still at large, a flu shot may be the only way to protect yourself from illness. Contrary to the President’s claims, the CDC and Dr. Fauci has debunked the lies that coronavirus is akin to the flu. However, contracting the flu could potentially be more dangerous this season as it will lower your immune system, making you more susceptible to getting Covid-19. If you or a family member are in a hurry to get the shot stop by your primary doctor’s office or your nearest pharmacy.
Build Your Emergency Fund
One of the most devastating consequences of the pandemic has been the widespread job loss across the country, costing millions of Americans their homes and the ability to put food on the table. Although unemployment and the previously distributed stimulus check has allowed for some families to just get by, for many even these resources were not enough to give them the proper support to care for their family. While unemployment is still very high if you are able to now is the time to start to set aside some emergency funds. Whether it’s $100 or $1,000, it can make a world of difference later during the second wave, if another lock-down puts a halt on jobs and businesses once more.
Stock Up On Extra Supplies
While hoarding toilet paper feels like ages ago, it wasn’t that long ago that the thought of quickly bought toilet paper was sending millions into mass panic. While our fears seemed legitimate at the time they also sowed unnecessary fear in regards to supplies running out, resulting in more vulnerable populations like the elderly and single parents being left without these supplies. For the oncoming second wave, while it is important to stock up on the necessary supplies, remember to be considerate of others.
Find Your New Normal
As horrible as the pandemic is, for the time being, it is the new normal. While this means seemingly endless months of social distancing and quarantining, we can try to adjust to this new reality by finding our ‘new normal.’ Whether it’s by having virtual game nights with friends, or taking a daily walk, or calling a loved one, it’s important to establish some sort of routine that keeps us motivated and connected during these hard times.