When you become aware of aspects in your life that you once believed to be normal, it can hurt.
When you first become conscious of how dysfunctional society is, it’s a painful process of unlearning.
However, once the facade is lifted, you’ll see how much dysfunction you have normalized and internalized.
Here are five dysfunctional things society has normalized:
Making Excuses and Defending Toxic People
When a person with a high status does wrong, they often still have a strong group of supporters behind them. It’s time to begin holding everyone accountable for their wrongdoings, including those with high status.
Hustle Culture
Never taking a break isn’t something to be admired. Expecting people to run and be available for you 24/7 is unrealistic. Rest and self-care are extremely important and vital parts of our lives.
Responses To Cruelty
When people see cruelty towards fellow humans, cyberbullying, etc., they’ll remain silent because they are unsure of what to do or say. The time has long passed for us as a society to rise and stand up for those we care for.
Excessive Alcohol
Drinking excessively every night and using drugs and alcohol to drown out your emotions and avoid pain isn’t a safe way to live. If you are experiencing an overwhelming amount of emotions and are using alcohol and drugs to cope, we encourage you to seek help by speaking with a licensed professional.
Repressing Emotions
Society has taught us that keeping our fears and insecurities to ourselves is a sign of strength. This is completely false and harmful to our mental health. It’s important to let out how you are feeling, whether sharing it with a loved one or journaling!
There are many things that we consider “socially acceptable” that actually cause a lot of harm in the long run.
You hold the power to become aware and to unlearn.