The journey of an entrepreneur is like an ocean, constantly facing waves of uncertainty and challenges. Yet, through powerful lessons they’ve learned from experience guide them on their path to suc…
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TUC 5 Most Successful Personality Types
Most of us are familiar with The Myer Briggs Personality Test as we may have taken it to discover what kind of jobs/careers would be a good fit for us. This personality test is surprisingly accurat…
Why Self-Reflecting Once a Day is Helpful
You may be asking yourself what’s self-reflection and how can I do it? I’m glad you asked; self-reflection is meditating on yourself and your life. People do this to improve themselves,…
Should Kids Get Jobs?
14 is the youngest possible age one can start working in the United States, according to, The U.S Department of Labor. If your teenager wants to start working it is important to consider the pros a…
The Ugly Truth Behind Fast Fashion
The fashion industry which was once a symbol of innovation and glamor has quietly contributed to the devastation of many lives. The allure of cheap, quickly available, enforced through media, has r…
TUC 5 Brutal Truths in Life
Life is a beautiful thing; being able to laugh, smile, love, and enjoy all the pleasures that life has to offer is a privilege. Life, however, has its pros and cons, and we must be willing to handl…
Reject the Influence of Horoscopes
Imagine that you’re having a horrible day at school and you yell at your friends to be quiet when they were just trying to enjoy a pleasant moment with you. The table goes silent, and you shr…
Unlocking the Healing Power of Music: Choose Music Therapy
In a world filled with constant hustle, stress, and turmoil, the search for successful therapeutic methods has never been stronger. Although many take the conventional approach, the new domination …
Should You Work For Money Or For Love?
Would you choose a job or career that you love or would you choose it only for financial gain? Some people choose their careers based on love and others for money, but which option really would be …
Prioritizing Self-Care
Investing Time In Yourself Self-care begins with taking time for one’s self. It helps in managing stress, increases productivity, and keeps our mental health in check. Work, school, college, …