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Mankind’s Endgame: How We Triggered A 6th Mass Extinction and Doomed Every Other Species
Not many know much about the history of Earth and its past global events. These events, known as the 5 Mass Extinctions, managed to change the course of Earth’s history and develop into the b…
Preworkout: The Edge You Need Or The Crutch You Fear?
In a push to remain relevant by surrounding themselves in controversy, Tik Tokers and Youtubers alike have partaken in a dry scoop challenge similar to the cinnamon challenge nearly a decade prior.…
Spiderwebs Can Create Music, Here’s Why You Should Listen
There’s an old saying about the beauty of music in every aspect of nature. From the trees to the air we breathe, it’s there if we listen closely. Researchers at the Massachusetts Instit…
Is Déjà Vu Connected to Past Life?
Wait, hold on why have I seen this all before? The exact spot where I am standing, the words you are saying to me, and what I was doing at this very moment. I have never done this activity before, …
Multiple Uses of Sage in the Household and How it Can Benefit You
Sage as most know can be used in a variety of ways from putting the plant into your food to using the plant to smudge your house. The plant is apart of the mint family and is an aromatic herb, mean…
Former Israeli Space Chief Confirms That Aliens and UFOs Are Real
Aliens and UFOs have forever been associated with childhood, imagination, and movies. However, one man high up in the space industry has announced in an exclusive interview that we are a lot closer…
Amid Record Cases, Pfizer to Begin Shipping COVID-19 Vaccine This Week
There may finally be hope as we inch closer to the end of a pandemic filled 2020 year. On Friday, in a letter to Pfizer, Food and Drug Administration Chief Scientist Denise Hinton authorized the em…
Dinosaurs in the Snow: A Prehistoric Winter Wonderland
It shouldn’t come as a surprise to us that dinosaurs existed during all four seasons and inhabited most of the walkable planet… So how come our ideas of prehistoric times exclude all imagery…
Archaeologists Believe They Have Found Jesus’ Childhood Home
Jesus may be a controversial figure, but he was a real person – that much we can all agree on. Historians, anthropologists, and scientists have no doubt that Jesus existed. Even religions wit…