Most of us are familiar with The Myer Briggs Personality Test as we may have taken it to discover what kind of jobs/careers would be a good fit for us. This personality test is surprisingly accurate and interesting; although I believe we should all pursue our interests/talents based on our love and performance in them rather than a test it can be helpful and fun to look into once in a while. Here are the most successful personality types:
This stands for individuals who are Extroverted, Intuitive, Thinking, and Judging. These individuals are extroverted meaning they are sociable and outgoing, they are intuitive rather than sensible, they are thinkers rather than feelers, and they judge more than perceive (doesn’t mean these individuals are judgmental in any way). These individuals make the most money according to, Business Insider and The Motley Fool. According to Simply Psychology, their strengths are their confidence, ambition, optimism, strong leadership skills, and empathy. While their weaknesses are their stubbornness, arrogance, insensitivity, lack of empathy, and big ego.
According to a chart on Visual Capitalist; these individuals are second to ENTJ when it comes to income. These people are Extroverted, Sensible, Thinking, and Judging. So compared to ENTJ they are more sensible rather than intuitive meaning they are more practical or “real” when it comes to processing information, they always look for facts and go by that rather than feelings. Their strengths include dedication, being strong-willed, honest, loyal, etc. Their weakness are their: stubbornness, the tendency to be judgmental, being overly focused on social status, and so on.
Once again according to the chart on Visual Capitalists, ENTP is third to ENTJ income wise and these people are Extroverted, Intuitive, Thinking, and Perceiving rather than judging compared to the other 2 personality types mentioned. Perceiving means these individuals are more “open” and mutable with ideas, situations, and plans compared to people who have J as the last letter in their big 4. Their strengths include them being: innovative, creative, great conversationalists etc. Their weaknesses include their: argumentativeness, dislike of routines/schedules, insensitiveness, unruliness, etc., all according to VeryWell Mind.
If you find that you are not in this category don’t fret, there are plenty of successful and even famous people who are the complete opposite of these personality types! Success doesn’t necessarily depend on your personality as much as it does on your work ethic, vision, discipline, stick-to-itiveness, and determination. If you do happen to find yourself being a part of this category congratulations! Harness those traits in your career/job, and make the most out of them while also learning to improve your negative traits. If you are an introvert, do not be discouraged either as there are plenty of successful introverts; it is healthy as well as encouraged however to get out of your shell and socialize. A balance of introvert and extrovert (ambivert) is actually essential because people can drain us and too much alone time can be mentally/emotionally unsound for us, so finding a balance between the two is always key.