Since we all have different personalities, views, and opinions, we aren’t always going to see eye to eye because of this, disagreements in the workplace are inevitable. It is crucial, however, that we know how to handle ourselves and the situation when we are butting heads with our coworkers and even bosses. First and foremost, you want to be a good person and you want to work hard; when you do this, almost everyone will like you. When you are rude and lazy, I can almost guarantee that you will have a lot of issues both with your coworkers and bosses because no one wants to work with someone who holds those dispositions.
Yes, you want to be a good person, but it is crucial that you don’t become a people pleaser, and that you do your work effectively and correctly as well as follow rules/protocols no matter what your coworkers may think. If you find yourself in an argument with a coworker, firstly, it is important to, first of all, stay calm and not let your feelings or ego get the best of you. Secondly, you want to be both a good listener and empathetic to your coworkers’ emotions. Thirdly, you want to get to the bottom of the issue; if they haven’t explained so already, ask them why they feel or are acting the way they are, and ask them how you guys can work together to stop an incident like this from happening again. If the coworker is somewhat aggressive, in a calm, nice, and respectful manner, please be sure to ask them to calm down before proceeding. You want to also make sure that you guys aren’t having these kinds of conversations in front of customers, other employees, or partners to avoid them being uncomfortable.
If you are having a conflict with your boss, please be calm and respectful, but don’t forget, however, to be honest with how you feel. A lot of people are scared of their bosses because they are people who hold a higher position than yours, but it isn’t necessary to be scared because all bosses love an honest person. If you are honest about how you feel, the issue can actually be solved as they have enough power to fix it. Express yourself, but remember to always be RESPECTFUL, calm, professional, and nice while doing so
If you find yourself having conflict with a customer, you need to remember that it is always the customer’s wishes above yours. If you absolutely can’t do something for them, then you can explain this to them in a kind and professional fashion. The most important thing to do is keep their wishes above yours, stay calm, be a good listener, be nice, respectful/professional, and have a conversation with them with the intent of solving the conflict and getting their needs met.
Workplace drama like any kind of drama can be sucky, but it is important to be an adult/mature about it and try to get whatever issue that arose understood and solved!”