Everyone is chasing after beauty in today’s society. With social media, the idea that beauty is important is more present than ever. Although men can be affected by this, women are heavily in…
Plastic Surgeons and Sexual Assault: The Disturbing Reality Hidden Behind Closed Doors
“What was she wearing?” is the unfortunate response heard all too often, regarding rape or any form of sexual assault. Negating the actions of the abuser while simultaneously victim blaming, the st…
Unmarried, Childfree Women Are Happier.
“The crazy cat lady”, is a stereotype I’m sure we have all heard before. The term is used to negatively describe single, typically older women with no kids. Mainstream media has further perpetuated…
Street Art Is Important.
Art is universally admired and respected by the masses for its beauty and ability to evoke intense emotions. But many often wonder what exactly is art. What defines something as art and who decides…
The Truth About Plastic Surgery
I’m sure you have seen someone either online or in real life that looks like they have had “too much work done”. From boob jobs, and lip fillers to liposuction and nose jobs, there is a procedure t…
TUC 5 Red Flags To Look out For In Dating
In 2023, It’s safe to assume we are all victims of a failed situationship or “talking stage”. Whether the complicated relationship simply fizzled out on mutual terms or ended messier than desired, …
Relationship Do’s and Dont’s: How To Have a Healthy Relationship
Whether you’re single, in a situationship, or in a long-term committed relationship, all aspects of dating can be challenging. While experiencing life with someone you deeply admire can be exciting…
The Adult Entertainment Industry Is Worse Than We Think. Here’s Why.
“Sex sells” is a phrase I’m sure you’ve heard at least once. Through advertising campaigns, multiple different industries and brands market sex with the goal to sell products. Hypersexualized…
Is The Body Positive Movement Potentially Negative?
If you have been on any social media platform in the past 5 years, you’ve probably heard the term body positivity, you may also have some opinions about it. Body positivity is a highly comple…
Dating In 2023 Is Difficult. Could TikTok Be Responsible.
“Dating just isn’t what it used to be”. I’m sure we have all heard this statement and maybe you’ve even said something similar. While the statement is very broad and redundant in nature there is tr…