Wait, hold on why have I seen this all before? The exact spot where I am standing, the words you are saying to me, and what I was doing at this very moment. I have never done this activity before, yet it feels for some reason like I have but do not remember it. It can be triggered through all of your five senses. This phenomenon is called Déjà Vu, meaning “already seen”.
The phenomenon has happened to all of us at least once or twice in our lives and we want to know why this happens to us. We have even heard this talked about in various TV shows and movies. The movie The Matrix mentions throughout the movie, there is a glitch in the system or matric when someone experiences the phenomenon that is Déjà Vu. It lets the people know they were in a simulation and have to find a way out of it.
Not eluding that we are in fact in a simulation, but more along the lines that Déjà Vu is connected to our past lives somehow. Bringing me to the theory of cellular memory, where the brain is not the only place that is able to store memories. That the physical body can also recall experiences. That holds many influences and drives certain wants, needs, and desires out of life. Many believe that cellular memory stores important information about our past lives. Giving us hints about what decisions we made in our past lives that we should not make in this life.
The feeling of Déjà Vu is one that can be incredibly frustrating, but one if you are on the side of thinking where you believe that we had past lives. There were ways to tap into those memories and commit time to stay within the triggering effect it can help tap more into those memories. So, trying to be more open, it might be easier to let the memories flood your conscious the more you do it.
Whether you think Déjà Vu is connected to our past lives or not, Déjà Vu does give you the sense of experiencing something, not in this lifetime. Ever get the feeling of not belonging in this world and meant for another, Déjà Vu triggering these memories can help you see what choices to make and not make for your future from those past worlds.