Most people when they think of success they often think of the American dream. They equate having a lot of money, the finest possessions, a house, a car, a family, and a dog with a white picket fence to success. Success, however, is a much deeper and broader concept. You can have money and all those things stated above and still feel “poor” inside. Success, in a nutshell, is accomplishing your goals in life, making what you want to happen to occur, and doing what you love, while being with the people that you love. Assessing our definition of success and determining whether or not that will truly bring the happiness/results we are looking for is just as important as the “journey” or getting “there”. Now, without further ado, here are the 5 habits of successful people:
1. Determination
In order to be successful, you must accept the reality of failure. In life you will experience setbacks and losses; what you do with these unfortunate events determines your destiny. One shut door leads to the opportunity of walking through a bigger and better one.
2. Planning
Have a to-do list every day, and have a clear vision of what you want to do so you don’t have confusion or forgetfulness. Keep it in front of you for most of the day and make sure you check it off. Making long-term and short-term goals as well as acquiring knowledge for how you will accomplish them is key!
3. Time Management
We obviously don’t want to procrastinate or waste time. Use your time wisely and be more productive with it. For example: if you need to be somewhere at a certain time wake up early and complete all the tasks you need to do beforehand.
4. Money Management
Saving money and spending wisely is extremely important as nothing in life is free. No matter how big or small your dreams are we want to make sure we can afford them.
5. Perfect Your Craft
Do this daily; no matter what you want to do or be. Whether you want to be a lawyer, bus driver, entrepreneur, construction worker, or parent be the best you can possibly be at it! If you want to be a dancer one day dance for an hour every day. If you want to be an architect get a degree. Whatever it is you want to do take the necessary steps to be the best at it and educate yourself as much as possible about the industry you want to enter.
Exercising, Reading, Waking up early, Self-Reflection, and Having a routine are all essential as well, according to, Man of Many and WeWork Ideas. Be sure to also surround yourself with people you look up to, wood cannot sharpen iron only iron can do that; in other words, if all your friends are social workers, but you want to be a dancer one day that might not be a good idea, you can keep those friends, but try to get friends in the entertainment industry. If you want to quit smoking, but most of your friends are smokers surround yourself with people who don’t smoke.