The year 2020 was the year of handbags and purses. It seemed like that was considered a girl’s best friend in the previous year filled with many shocking events. The huge trend of seeing which influencer has the most Hermès Birkin bags. To the rise of the black-owned luxury brand, Telfar made a name in the fashion industry with their popular shopping bags.
Handbags and purses seem to be the perfect accessory for a person’s outfit. You may be used to the luxury expensive brand purses like Gucci, Christian Dior, and the list goes on, it’s important to have some diversity upon your handbags. Here’s a list of five black-owned brands that are known for their unique handbags.
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— Brandon Blackwood (@BBlackwoodNYC) December 25, 2020
Brandon Blackwood majored in something completely different before deciding to pursue his passion for fashion. The brand of Brandon Blackwood NYC launched in 2015. Blackwood’s main goal for his brand was to create something that was trend-forward, yet lasting. Which the brand is filled with beautiful mini tote and handbags for the ladies that love to keep their handbag small. They also offer unique wallets and cardholders for people who prefer just having a wallet or cardholder.
It's the circle of life. Pick a mood then pick a ZURI Gold to match it. Comment below and let us know which one is really doing it for you😌
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— ANIMA IRIS (@anima_iris) December 2, 2020
- Anima Iris
Anima Iris was inspired by her mother’s vibrant colors in her wardrobe. The owner Wilglory Tsamoh named her business after her mother Iris Wilglory and a close friend Anima. Which the young Cameroonian-born girl combined the two names to come up with her luxury leather handbag business. Anima Iris is known for the high-quality leather handbags of different shapes and sizes. If you don’t see a bad that catches your eye, you even have the option to customize your own.
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All this week! Order by Wednesday 12.16 11:59pm and Get it by Christmas. Use code: SANTA30— BruceGlen (@BruceGlen) December 13, 2020
- BruceGlen
Twin brothers Bruce and Glenn described themselves as Jay-Z’s next big investment, with their brand BruceGlen it’s filled with colorful handbags and accessories for people with bold personalities. You may not only see a signature colorful handbag by them, but you also could shop from their latest streetwear collection. However, the twins are known for their vibrant colors and patterns on their handbags. Their handbags were featured in many magazines like Elle, Harper’s Bazaar, and even Essence.
#Danish designer we love: #YvonneKone shares her design process and priorities.
— Scandinavia Standard (@ScandiStandard) November 2, 2014
Danish designer Yvonne Koné created her brand in 2011. The brand is described to sell luxury Italian-made handbags, cashmere accessories, and key wardrobe staples that are timeless. Krone not only is one of Denmark’s prominent designers, but she also won the Elle Style Award in 2017.
Extra purple-y. Extra fluffy. Now available!💜
— Cortnie Elizabeth (@love_cortnie) March 9, 2019
The brand that was created in her grandmother’s kitchen, Cortnie Elizabeth created Love, Cortnie after growing up and seeing her grandmother always sewing and creating things. The handbags and purses from Love, Cortnie always stands out compared to the competition. With the bright colors on some bags and even fur on others, if you’re the type to make a fashion statement using your bags and accessories, then Love, Cortnie is the brand for you.