I’ve taken a million online quizzes, hoping one of them will tell me what I should do with my life. I have had no luck. It has left me confused and anxious. I’ve changed my life plans more times than I can count. I honestly think my friends are tired of hearing about my new changes to my life goals.
It’s difficult to navigate a world, when you do not know what you want to get out of it. However, there are ways to make these life decisions a little easier for you.
Although I do not have my life figured out, I do have a semi-clear direction of where I want my life to go and I’m going to share how I got there.
I started by creating a list of everything that I loved, all of my passions. I then crossed out the things on the list that were unrealistic for me, although it is important to have dreams, some things I love, but simply do not have the skills for (such as singing/acting). I just had to realize to myself that I simply will not be the next Ariana Grande, as much as I’d want to be. I then put a star next to the things that I loved, and had the skills to accomplish. Of those stars, I highlighted the things that I could truly see myself doing for the rest of my life. I then kept that list in the back of my head, and looked for similar careers or careers that combine things on my list.
If you’re still lost, that’s okay. I’m not sure how helpful advice from a young girl who changes her mind about everything daily would be, but I wanted to try my best.
The real truth is, you don’t need to know what you want to do with your life. No matter your age, plans can change, and you can change with them. The best advice I have for you is to follow your passions. Find the things that get you out of bed, excited about the world and everything it has to offer. That thing that drives you to be the very best version of yourself that you can be. That is where true happiness for the rest of your life is found.