Cell Phone Use: A Growing guilt
Cell phones are gripping, we have formed a habit of checking our phones every now and then, picking it up, anticipating a notification, reading some random news, or just checking on social media platforms. The day breaks, and the first thing we tend to do is check on our phones. The radiation emitted by our phones is unhealthy, phones are shortening human attention span and phones are making us less social! We are unable to sit without our phone even for a minimum of 10 minutes.
It is impractical in 2023 to throw your phone away in the trash, but trying to have a no-phone day at least once a week helps you in numerous ways. These small devices do keep us going all day long, making our life a tad bit easier, but this cycle of rechecking your phone every now and then isn’t making things faster or better.
Unplug and Recharge
Giving space to yourself without scrolling on your phone for a Saturday or a Sunday seems harder than you think it is, but by the end of the day, you will feel rebooted. Help yourself with a self-care session, a hike, some reading, a home-cooked meal, or anything that doesn’t need a phone around. Your texts, social media platforms, new episodes, or group chat updates can wait for the next 24 hours.
Phone Detox is necessary
Your sleep will be deeper and you will wake up refreshed the next day. You will be able to do your chores or run errands without any distractions. That will save you some time, which can be given to something more important than just staring at a screen. Try having more than one no-phone day if possible, because, in these 24 hours, you will find yourself way more productive than in any other. The more away we are from our phones, the least number of things our brains need to worry about
Finding Bliss Beyond The Screen!
Don’t make smartphones a part of your hand, it’s just a tool, to navigate, communicate, and do a bunch of other stuff. Remember, humans existed before cell phones, they survived and did most of the stuff we do today. It is possible to implement a day without phones, the first few times will be difficult, as we are habituated to living with phones, but gradually it gets easier and more efficient and with time you will look forward to this no-phone weekday. Steps like these have a great and positive impact on your mental and social well-being.
Give it a shot and let us know in the comments about your little journey on this no-phone day!