Family Reunion is a new one-part series on Netflix that delves into the life of a Black family living in Columbus, Georgia. The show is eccentric, inspiring, heartfelt, and memorable to say the least. The show is about how an extended family manages to live under one roof and the disadvantages and advantages that come along with it.
Main characters Cocoa McKellan and Moz McKellan come back home for a family reunion in the husband’s hometown of the South. For Cocoa and her four children; this is a fun and eye-opening trip. Soon the McKellan’s decide that staying in the South may be exactly what they’re looking for! This is without some trials along the way.
Family Reunion has an all-Black cast and writer’s room, which makes it feel like a genuine portrayal of a multi-generational Black family. Something the entertainment industry could use some more of! The show is spirited, fun, and entertaining to watch!
The family’s grandmother, Mrs. M’Dear, talks about many stories of her upbringing and her family’s history throughout her stories. As the four grandkids listen in: Jade, Ami, Shaka, and Mazzi, they learn about their heritage and ancestry unlike before. As the kids try to settle into their new hometown, they realize it might be even more amazing, yet in some circumstances even harder than they imagined.
The show never really goes into why the McKellan’s decides to leave Seattle, and move way down to the South, but it can be chalked up to the fact that they missed their family and wanted a slower more relaxing lifestyle to raise their children.
So far, there is no news on whether or not the McKellan’s will be back for season two, but with how great the first season is, we will be crossing our fingers waiting!
Thanks for reading, stay rad, my friends!