With Superstar, Kawhi Leonard possibly out for the year, the Spurs might be in luck. They have a former leader of the free world willing to sign a contract to live out his hoop dreams. That’s right, Barack Obama, who is known for his love of basketball, stated that if given the opportunity, he would play for Greg Popovich and the Spurs.

Although he’s a Chicago Bulls fan, the answer he gave when asked the question at the MIT Sports Analytics Conference, dealt more with strategy, intellect, and tradition vs. just loyalty and fandom. According to the San Antonio Current, Obama said, “The Spurs are smart, well ran, and their focus is on the team, as that is something [he] would want to be apart of.” This choice comes as no surprise, as he has been on record before, comparing the franchise to “a great metaphor for what America should be all about.”

Once word reached the organization and head coach, Greg Popovich, he gave a typical, Popovich-like response, taking a slight, humorous jab at the former president. “That’s flattering,” he stated, “I’d have to do a background check on him though because I’ve heard some things he’s done in the past aren’t very good. I can’t remember where I heard that stuff, but I’d have to do a background check.”

Barack Obama has skills, as he played on his high school team in Hawaii and some at Occidental College too. While in office, he also hosted a yearly pick up game with former friends, college players, and white house staff. Several teammates and coaches have praised Obama’s skill set and intellect as a player, saying he was very solid. With that being said, it’s unlikely that the beloved former President will get that contract with the Spurs to display his talents, but we can be sure that his choice in team can’t be denied.