Surpassing the typical Marvel trilogy formula, Thor will make a return to the big screen sooner than expected in a 4th movie directed by Taika Waititi. In this installment, entitled Thor Love and Thunder, Thor’s former love interest Jane Foster will take the lead by coming into a new set of powers as Lady Thor. However, Jane won’t be up to fend against potential enemies on her own, Star-Lord (Chris Pratt), Drax (Dave Bautista), and Nebula (Karen Gillian) have been confirmed to make an appearance in the upcoming Thor movie as well. Following the events of Avengers Endgame, Thor’s rapid induction into the Guardians of the Galaxy will prove to be a long term commitment than fans originally suspected it to be. As they roam across the galaxy in search of Gamora, it appears that the Guardians and Thor will be giving a magically enhanced Jane Foster some major assists.
Although little else has been revealed about the movie, it has been confirmed that Christian Bale will join the cast as the movie’s villain, Gorr The God Butcher. While Gorr is a newer villain in the Marvel comics universe and will be making his cinematic universe debut, he’s certainly nothing to scoff at. Born on a distant planet, he was endowed with a fierce hatred of the gods after his family died. Known for his eerie appearance and shadowy powers, he’ll certainly provide for a truly intimidating villain.
With the Oscar-winning Watiti returning to direct, this next Thor adventure is shaping up to be another major hit. With filming just beginning in Australia, the movie isn’t expected to be released till 2022. Although in the meantime, a trip to Asgard may still be in the cards with the upcoming Loki series set to debut this year in May.