The talents of Tiffany Haddish and executive producer Tracy Morgan are teaming up for a new comedy series on TBS called “The Last O.G.”.The series focuses on Morgan, who is an ex-convict who gets released from prison after 15 years and is forced to start over in his hometown neighborhood that he doesn’t even recognize anymore.
Creator and executive producer Jordan Peele brilliantly blends comedy and pain while sharing Morgan’s story, who is now a middle-aged man trying to fit into the millennial generation while also dealing with the heartbreak of an old girlfriend, Tiffany Haddish, who has moved on with a family of her own.
The show definitely highlights how to deal with unfortunate situations through a comedic aspect with some romance as well. The Last O.G. airs April 3 on TBS and will continue weekly on Tuesday nights.
SPOILER ALERT: There will be more of your favorite comedians and “entertainers” throughout the season!