For fans of the hit Cartoon Network Animated Series Clone Wars, the latest episode of The Mandalorian sparked a great deal of excitement, with the live-action debut of Ahsoka. For those unfamiliar with the fan-favorite, Ahsoka is a force-sensitive Togruta female, who was once a Palawan to Anakin Skywalker. Although she walked away from the Jedi order before completing her training, Ahsoka is best known for her pivotal role in the Clone Wars. While many fans had been long been anticipating for the character to make the leap to live-action, in this latest episode those hopes finally came to fruition.
At the end of episode 4 of The Mandalorian, Mando was instructed by Bo-Katan to travel to Corvus to find the Jedi he’s looking for. It is there on that forest planet where a dual lightsaber wielding Ahsoka finally makes an appearance, offering viewers some important revelations. After Mando tracks her down, she reads baby Yoda’s mind, revealing that his name is in fact Grogu and he was raised in a Jedi Temple. However, despite Grogu’s force-sensitivity, Ahsoka declines Mando’s request to train him, citing the child’s close attachment to Mando as the cause behind her refusal. By the end of the episode, she instructs Mando to take the child to Tython where “he’ll find the ruins of an ancient Jedi temple that has a strong connection to the force.” There, Ahsoka explains, Grogu can choose his path and perhaps alert the attention of another Jedi. However, the chances of doing so are bleak as Ahsoka explains that “the Jedi Order fell a long time ago.”
While Mando and Ahsoka split ways by the end of the episode, the brief team-up marked a special occasion for Star Wars fans. Although it is unclear if Ahsoka will make more appearances on the show, a substantial amount of buzz has already begun concerning a possible Ahsoka spin-off. While nothing has been officially confirmed as of yet, this is hardly the last Star Wars fans will see of Ahsoka.