Your 20s are arguably the most transformative, transitional, and soul-searching years of your life. You don’t consider yourself a grown adult, but you’re also not a child. You’re a baby adult. It’s already an incredibly scary, non-committal and experimental time in your life, but let’s add a little flavor to it, shall we? What is it like living at home in your 20s, you ask? Living at home in your 20s is like having older roommates who know everything about you, and at the same time, nothing at all. You try to envision what you want your life to look like, the kind of person you want to be and what you truly see yourself doing. You love your parents and they love you (hopefully), but you no longer need them or want to be with them the way you once did as a child.
You have a yearning to be independent and self-sufficient, and to find your place in this world without the pressure or commentary from the person/people who has/have known you since birth. You want to start fresh, be unknown and have the freedom to do/be/say/dress whatever/however you want. All you want for yourself is the freedom of space, time, and self-expression.
For anyone out there in the same boat or if you resonate with any of those words, I hope you can create a safe space for yourself. I hope you can feel comfortable enough to be vulnerable with yourself. I hope you are in a loving environment at home that is open and accepting of whatever/whoever you choose to be. If you are reading this, I know you will be independent, self-sufficient and you will feel content and at peace with who you are and where you are.
You will move out of your childhood home, you will find a place for yourself, and that place will be your safe space. A space for you to create, to express, to grow, to try new things, to cook, to eat, to fail, to succeed, to love. One day, you will look back and miss the home you once used to resent. It’s important to remember that everything is temporary, and even if you are not necessarily happy with your living situation at home, it is only temporary.