While fighting for equality and the Black Lives Matter movement, Michael B. Jordan and Color Of Change have teamed up to create the #ChangeHollywoodInitiative. The new project focuses on creating diversity for Black actors and actresses in Hollywood, along with sharing true, Black stories.
#ChangeHollywodInitiative will give the Black community better opportunities of providing the necessary staff, creators, and behind the scenes, positions to develop the real stories of Black people. It will also invest more in Black communities.
“This roadmap is just the beginning of the journey to racial justice,” Jordan said. “We are all accomplices in the fight to transform Hollywood, and we invite content creators and industry leaders to join us in working together to #ChangeHollywood. We look forward to including a variety of voices in doing what we do best: telling authentic stories, bringing people together, partnering with influential artists, and changing the rules of the game.”
Jordan and the organization have created a roadmap for the #ChangeHollywodInitiative, which was written as a format for other organizations to make a difference and protect the stories of people of color in Hollywood. The roadmap includes divest from the police, invest in anti-racist content and authentic Black stories, invest in Black talent and careers, and invest in Black communities. The description of each can be found here.
This isn’t the first of Jordan’s change for his community, as his production Outlier Society landed a partnership with Warner Bros. Picture to showcase a difference in storytelling for Blacks. The deal began in 2019 with the release of Just Mercy.
The young star has been playing his role in the movement by attending protests for Black Lives Matter. Now, he’s using his platform to go further to make a change in the movie industry.