John Ridley, American screenwriter best known for “12 Years a Slave,” announced on Friday at DC’s virtual FanDome event that Batman will likely be African American in his limited four-issue comic series currently in the making for DC Comics.
“I think it’s pretty safe to bet that if I’m writing Batman, it’s probably a little better than a 47% chance he’s going to be a person of color,” Ridley said.
Jim Lee also verified that Batman will likely be black in the upcoming comic on Friday during the “Tomorrow’s Super Hero’s with Jim Lee Brought to you by Gold House” panel at DC FanDome.
Ridley stated that the series will focus on Lucius Fox and his family, which gives fans an even better sign that the new Batman in the DC comic series will be black. Furthermore, he included that “[Fox] has a family that has secrets and has kept secrets from one another. It’s a little bit different dynamic than the Batman that we’ve always seen,” which leaves fans wondering what Ridley has in store for the new Batman comic series.
If you’d like to know more about what Ridley has in store for the new comic series, you can check out the Batman: The Joker War panel at DC FanDome: Explore the Multiverse on Saturday, September 12th at 10 am PST/1 pm EST, where Ridley may reveal more information about the series.
DC’s new Batman comic series is expected to release in January 2021.