It is time to get spooky! Horror movies are always the move but there is no better time to watch them than October. I must say; Netflix has definitely stepped up their movie game through the years and this year there are so many options for scary movies! So get ready to cuddle with your partners or have fun getting scared with your friends because TUC Mag has come up with the perfect Netflix bucket list for this Halloween season.
An easy gig goes wrong when a young girl, Greta, agrees to babysit a boy in a remote town. To her surprise; the boy was not a boy at all but a creepy doll. The parents of “the boy” cope with the death of their son by caring for this doll. They assign a list of strict rules for Greta and when she begins to break them; a numerous amount of disturbing and scary events occur.
This is probably one of the most disturbing movies on Netflix. The movie revolves around a young girl who has been vegan all her life. When she moves off to college; the students have a hazing ritual where they forced her to eat meat. She then developed an obsessive want for meat and it leads to a lot of cannibalism. Yes, that’s right; CANNIBALISM.
So here’s the thing; this movie has a talking dog, a talking cat, Ryan Reynolds; and lots of blood. Sounds good to me. In this film, Reynolds is mentally unstable and has to decide whether or not to take advice from his cat or his dog and it leads to a lot of gore and a pretty good horror film.
Cult of Chucky
Who misses the old school slasher horror films? If you answered yes; then good news for you because Cult of Chucky brings that vibe back. The classic Chucky series is one that all horror movie lovers will never forget. This time around the film has a ton of plot twists with a mix of the traditional Chucky that we all have grown to love.
We decided to save the best for last. The Conjuring is based on the true paranormal cases by Ed and Lorraine Warren. Now if the fact that these events happened, doesn’t scare you enough; then the ghosts, jump scares and psychological thrill of this film definitely will.