We come across many different types of people throughout our lives. Everywhere we go, we are introduced to someone new. People can go from strangers to lifetime friends in a matter of minutes. However, sometimes those same strangers we let into our lives can end up being toxic.
Here are five types of people to avoid in life:
The Manipulator
Manipulative people often disrespect boundaries. They thrive by putting others down, increasing fear and doubt in their victims. People that feel the need to control others often have no control over themselves.
The Gossipers
People who constantly gossip are projecting their insecurities and emotional immaturity. You should always surround yourself with people who discuss ideas and not others. If you want to discuss someone effectively, always ask yourself: is it true? Is it crucial? Is it kind? Always watch out for people who deliberately put others down, and don’t let their energy influence you!
The Narcissist
This is the friend who always has the energy to talk about themselves, but they are exhausted when it comes to you. Avoid those who don’t put in the same effort, enthusiasm, and interest in hearing about your journey and goals.
The Self Destructive
If a friend refuses to take responsibility for their poor choices and always waits for good things to happen to them, then their drama will affect your life and drain you of your energy. If providing constant support for those who can’t take responsibility causes you to stress, make sure to keep your distance.
The Calm Down Promoters
These are the people who constantly tell you to “calm down” or tell you that you’re being “dramatic.” They perceive most people as irrational, impatient, and child-like. Whatever problem you may be having, your emotions and reactions are entirely valid. You should never allow someone to belittle and dismiss your worries.