Anxiety unfolds through an uncontrollability of the body and mind. Stress is its main element as the body naturally responds to situations and circumstances in terror. The feeling of fear overrules and governs our thoughts, creating a sense of vagueness in our surroundings. People struggling with anxiety often describe it as an uneasy, worrisome feeling exhibited through physical reactions such as nausea, dizziness, tension, sweating, and hyperventilation.
Meditation is a great starting point when managing stress. Years ago, this procedure was considered a vehicle of controversy and criticism due to an absence of thought. However, it slowly rose to the surface as a positive method of letting go and allowing oneself to enter a world of tranquillity. Taking a step back from everything and everyone in an attempt to focus on the breath can lead to a mind-clearance of worries.
Displaying self-compassion and understanding of what we are dealing with, rather than forcing ourselves to act or behave a certain way in a situation helps our awareness. This comes with acknowledging our problems and facing them without judgment. Expressing emotions through talk or writing may seem like the simplest method anyone can use, yet the most difficult to execute. The key is to find the right people to talk to who will not only listen but also understand. Sleep and exercise go hand in hand as a healthy mind needs a healthy body to function effectively.
The presence of this invisible enemy frightens many through its inconsistent behavior, sudden appearance, and power of influence on the mind. Individuals, however, tend to neglect the idea that anxiety reflects our everyday endeavors, lifestyle, diet, and sleeping patterns; therefore, their consideration could result in a better outcome. It isn’t about “winning it over”, but tactfully overcoming it.