Good News!
A new report confirms that black women are now the most educated group in the United States. Leading every single group is a huge achievement for a group that normally only gets embraced in the media for their goddess like bodies instead of their goddess like brain power.
According to the National Center for Education Statistics, between 2009 and 2010, black women earned 68 percent of all associate degrees awarded to black students, as well as 66 percent of bachelor’s degrees, 71 percent of master’s degrees and 65 percent of all doctorates awarded to black students.
By both race and gender, a higher percentage of black women (9.7 percent) are enrolled in college than any other group, topping Asian women (8.7 percent), white women (7.1 percent) and white men (6.1 percent).
Although black women are the most educated, many studies show that they are still not getting the pay equity they deserve. While women hold 25 percent of public and private sector roles, the majority is reserved for white women.
According to a recent study by the American Association of University Women (AAUW), although women hold 25 percent of public and private sector roles, the majority is reserved for white women. Black women make up just 8 percent of private sector jobs and 1.5 percent in leadership roles.
Which is why we must open our eyes, to the fact that Black Women along with Black Men are being disrespected at a all-time high here in America. The late great Honorable Malcolm X said it best:
The most disrespected person in America is the black woman.
The most unprotected person in America is the black woman.
The most neglected person in America is the black woman.
It doesn’t matter how much society tries to hold our women back, our Black Girls will always Rock!
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