The Simpsons (1989) has been a very popular sitcom TV show that has been running for almost over 30 years now. It is known for its hilarious banters between the Simpson family and friends. Another thing it is known for is predicting things that have come to pass in the future. Whether it was a coincidence or not on more than one occasion over the years The Simpsons have aired something shown on their show came true years later.
The Donald Trump presidency (Season 11, Episode 17: “Bart to the Future”)
In this episode, the daughter Lisa became the first female President of the United States and states “We inherited quite the budget crunch from President Trump.” This in reference to Trump trying to run for a Reform Party Candidate, but then Trump was actually elected President in 2016.
Siegfried and Roy tiger attack (Season 5, Episode 10: “$pringfield”)
In this episode, in Springfield, Siegfreid and Roy’s act in their casino involved their white tiger, Anastasia. During the act, the white tiger attacked both of them, and then 10 years after this episode airs Roy is attacked by Anastasia.
Faulty voter machines (Season 20, Episode 4: “Treehouse of Horror XIX”)
This episode references the 2008 presidential election. When Homer goes to into a voting booth to vote for candidate Barack Obama the machine still somehow votes for John McCain. The same thing happened in Pennsylvania with Barack Obama and Mitt Romney.
NSA Spying Scandal (The Simpsons Movie)
In the Simpsons movie, Marge threatens to reveal the government for listening in on the American public through phone calls. This gets her and her family questioned by National Security. In there, you see a room where multiple employees are listening in on everyone’s phone calls in hopes of hearing something that could be a possible danger to America. Edward Snowden, a former computer intelligence consultant who copied and leaked highly classified information from the National Security Agency in 2013, told the public about a huge amount of surveillance programs the government was doing.
Ebola outbreak (Season 9, Episode 3: “Lisa’s Sax”)
The episode was set in 1990, where the mom, Marge, was trying to cheer up her son by reading him something called Curious George and the Ebola Virus. The largest outbreak was in 2014-15.