New York and Florida are two of the most popular and populous places to live in the United States; this isn’t hard to fathom as New York and Florida is booming with rich as well as beautiful pop culture, sceneries, and areas. However, more and more New Yorkers have been trading their lives in the Big Apple for one in the Sunshine State. But why? According to USA Today, during the coronavirus, many New Yorkers moved to Florida for its “warmer climate, affordable housing options, and fewer taxes.”
New York, although beautiful, has a cooler climate indeed, and it is one of the most expensive states in the United States.
The Sunshine State is sporting some attractive statistics; according to USA Today: “if you live and work in New York City, you can be paying a combined rate of up to 14.8%” in income tax. Whereas in “Florida, you pay zero in income tax anywhere you live.” The houses as stated earlier are also cheaper; in “January the median sale price of a home in New York State was 486,200”, and “386,500” in Florida, also according to USA Today. According to New York Post, in addition to high taxes, New Yorkers are also moving to Florida to avoid “rising crime.” “64,577” New Yorkers exchanged their driver’s licenses for a Florida one in 2022 “61,728” in 2021, also according to the New York Post. With respect to these statistics, New Yorkers appear to be flocking to Florida by the masses for some very understandable reasons.
New York is known for its hustle and bustle; Billionaire Stephen Ross would agree as he says; “New Yorkers will continue to migrate to Florida because of the “ease of living” in the Sunshine State compared to the high tax, crime-ridden Big Apple,” according to New York Post. Florida may be better for someone who prefers a “slower/calmer” way of life compared to New York City. This year the number went up by “10,000 according to New York Post: “More than 10,000 New Yorkers relinquished their driver’s licenses for a Florida one in the first quarter of 2023”. In addition, a recent survey by Siena
College, according to The Street: “60%” of New Yorkers said, “New York was not a good place to retire, and 67% said New York was not affordable.”
According to Free Beacon, New Yorkers were also making the move for “better job and career opportunities.” “15%” to be exact compared to the “25%” who said they moved for “lower cost of living,” and the “28%” who said they did it for “lower taxes” making this reason the third most common reason New Yorkers are making the move.
In a nutshell, New Yorkers are moving to Florida for reasons that any other person would leave their home state: for lower cost of living, better job opportunities, safety, a calmer-paced lifestyle, and of course nicer weather. These are mostly plausible and reasonable reasons to make a move; however, it is a big step and times are very alternating, so patience, careful consideration, and a lot of research is recommended.