As the weather starts to heat up and the pandemic starts to cool down, it is time to shed our Zoom sweatpants and start actually dressing again. 2021 has already seen its fair share of trends live …
TUC5: Incenses and the Meaning Behind Them
People burn incense in their home or even their own business for a lot of reasons. Some simply because they like their house smelling like incense and then, there are those, who do so for cleansing…
TUC 5: Underrated R & B Artists
R&B music was one of the genres that definitely was very much talked about within this year. Many artists released what may go down as very iconic albums this year. Some of those artists are Ch…
Black History Month: TUC5: Culture Shapers
It’s Black History Month! A month full of blessings, culture, and excellence. Every year we revisit and honor those who’ve contributed to our history in many different aspects. This year I’d like t…
TUC 5: Street Art Venues in Atlanta
To people around the country, and even the world, Atlanta is known for its urban culture, musical influence, and its fast city lifestyle. However, everyone seems to forget that Atlanta is home to s…
TUC 5: Reasons Why Daenerys Targaryen is Justified in Being A Mad Queen Right Now
Before she was “ Queen Daenerys of the House Targaryen, the First of Her Name, The Unburnt, Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men, Queen of Meereen, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, Pr…
TUC 5: Protective Hair Styles For Spring Break
It seems like Spring Break came extremely fast, you work hard all semester and you finally get a week off to relax. A lot of students end up planning for weeks almost months to go to places such as…
TUC 5 Reasons Why The Lakers Season Has Been A Disaster
We’ve become spoiled as basketball fans when we assess the greatness of LeBron James. The 2018-19 NBA season marked LeBron James’ first season playing in the Western Conference. For the…
TUC 5: Signs She’s Into You
It can be hard to know if a girl you have heart eyes for, feels the same about you. People can be awkward when it comes to sharing their feelings, or just simply not catch some obvious signs that c…
TUC5 : Best Fashion Colleges All Around The World
If you are thinking of taking fashion as a serious career option these are the top five schools that you need to apply to. The world of fashion is glamorous but it is also hard work. If you …