On Friday, two women, Mindy Dixon, 41, Melissa Cheng, 23, and a priest were arrested for allegedly having sex inside of a church. In a statement from Archbishop Aymond, he clarified that the priest was immediately removed and that the altar will be removed, burned, and replaced with a new one promptly.
This incident was reported by a witness. On September 30th, a passer-by saw a strange light coming from the dark church at night and peered through the windows to find the priest half-clothed with two women wearing corsets and high-heels and called the police. It was reported that the lights inside the church were being used to film the scene on a cell phone.
Archbishop Aymond called this incident a “demonic act” and stated that he’s infuriated by Reverend Travis Clark’s actions. “I share your feelings of anger and betrayal,” Aymond said in the video statement.
According to attorney Bradley Phillips, the three should not be charged if the incident did not occur in a public place. Phillips called their arrests “appalling” and said that he “understands that people may be upset by this situation, but that does not make this conduct illegal or criminal in any way.”
However, since the scene could be seen through the windows, the three were ultimately arrested on obscenity charges.