Two months after the premiere of the acclaimed film, Black Panther, directed by Ryan Coogler debuted all across the American cinema circuit and broke box office records, and provided inspiration to children of color because now there are superheroes that look them, history is still being made. Why?
This April 18, the film will be featured in Saudi Arabia, which would make it one of the first films screened in this Middle Eastern nation since films were banned 35 years ago.
As a strictly conservative nation, slowly but surely Saudia Arabia is beginning to allow citizens to have more freedoms with things they do in their everyday life through Prince Mohammed’s plan to add diversity and create social changes. This also paved the way for reopening the cinemas and getting rid of laws that prevent women from driving.
Black Panther will play at new a luxury AMC theater in Saudia Arabia’s capital Riyadh, which according to Variety Magazine, there is multiple levels, hundreds of leather seats, and marble bathrooms. This is the first of many top of the line theaters that are scheduled to open across the nation in the upcoming years.