Stress in America, I would argue, is one of the largest and most ongoing epidemics we’ve had; although it is not a disease in and of itself, it can lead to some severe mental, physical, and emotional health issues that can then kill you if not checked. Stress doesn’t discriminate as it affects people of all classes, races, and ages. It does have favorites, however, if anxiety and stress-related mental illnesses run in your family, you are prone to have it. You may feel more stressed on certain days than others depending on the number of tasks that you have to complete that day and their level of perceived or literal difficulty.
According to, Verywell Mind the main causes of stress are:
- Financial Problems
- Work/Business
- Personal Relationships
- Parenting
- Daily Life
- Personality and Resources
Stress is a normal human reaction to events or situations in our lives that we perceive as negative. Stress begins in the mind, and your body, then takes that information and has you behave in a certain (usually negative) way physically and emotionally. The most essential thing we must do to tackle stress is to address the root of it: the mind. We need to remember firstly, that we are in control of our minds not the other way around. Whatever scenario we are making in our head is not a reality it is only a possibility out of the many other outcomes that can occur. We must ask ourselves: Is what I’m thinking true? What are the positive outcomes? How can I cope when hardships come? How can this make me a better person? How can I fix what I am going through and make a better outcome? (Instead of complaining or thinking too much). Analyzing and Articulating your thoughts and emotions along with pinpointing the root of them is extremely important. Take control of your mind.
Talking to someone you know and love after you’ve finished doing the inner work helps as well. It isn’t healthy to bottle up emotions or negative thoughts. You should always let them out! You can also do this by picking up a new hobby you can paint, travel, box, listen to music, sing, write poetry, etc. Anything that brings you pleasure and joy please do, but talking out your thoughts and emotions is highly recommended. You can also turn to religion, therapy, and meditation.
Change your perspective about your situation. It is never the snake bite that kills someone it’s the poison; in other words, it isn’t the situation itself that, do you harm, it’s your perspective that brings the emotional, mental, and physical pain. Adopt an optimistic view of life because honestly, life is a beautiful thing, to be breathing is a privilege in and of itself. Focus on the things you do have and what you have accomplished as well as how you can conquer what is ahead of you. Be action-oriented and always have a backup plan for your backup plan, never give up.
Remember that you are a smart, beautiful, strong, fortunate, and loving human being. With a positive future ahead no matter what your facing. You can choose to be the victim or you can choose to create the best life for you and the people you love. You can choose to be a warrior and winner no matter what…