Do you feel like a complete and utter fucking degenerate? Do you feel directionless in life? Do you have minimal to zero things going right for you? Do you feel unmotivated, unhappy, or just generally dissatisfied with your current life? Are you low-key relieved there’s a pandemic going on so you have an excuse for not having your shit together? Well, first of all, if you’re reading this and you resonate with all or any of the questions above, I’m very sorry about that, and welcome aboard. If you resonate with literally 0 of these things, you have a successful life and you’re generally happy with your existence, well I’m glad you’re here too (also my dm’s are open. Just kidding haha) ((or am I)). This article is by no means going to completely fix your life, but it’s a good starting point. I have compiled a number of things you can do to start to get your shit together, and I really hope it helps. Here goes:
1. Just breathe. You are alive, you matter, and you have so much to offer the world. Stephen Hawking once said, “However bad life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed at. Where there’s life, there’s hope.” You may feel like you are in a rut right now, but as long as you are willing to acknowledge that you exist, you’re not going anywhere, you want better for yourself, and you are willing to do the work, then I have no doubt your situation will change very soon.
2. Delete/disable any and all social media, and stop comparing yourself to others.
If you already don’t have social media, feel free to read ahead. Social media can be an incredibly draining place and can be the root of a lot of comparisons. I know you’ve probably heard it before, but comparison is the thief of joy. To truly cleanse and start fresh, I think it’s imperative to be off the virtual grid, especially if you are an avid social media user.
3. Get real with yourself. What do you want for yourself? What is it that you want to improve? What do you want to add to your life? Why is your life a rut right now? Why are you unhappy? What do you want to work towards? Do you want to start a new hobby? Do you want to become better at something? Do you want to be more active? I think you definitely have to do some soul searching and also be vulnerable with yourself for this step. If you know exactly what you want/need to do, then fabulous. However, you may need a day or two or 5 to think about this.
4. Take the first step. I say this before suggesting to plan it out first because the first step is always the hardest, and you need to do this to prove to yourself that you will work towards it. Actions speak exponentially louder than words. This first step can be literally anything. Maybe it’s simply just getting out of bed, drinking water, taking a shower, brushing your hair, going outside, buying a journal. Just take that first step.
5. Make a plan. If you’ve gotten this far, I am really proud of you. I don’t mean that sarcastically. Life is really fucking underwhelming/overwhelming and depressing right now, and I don’t blame you at all for feeling low and wanting to make a change. Ok, so, what do I mean by make a plan? I mean set little goals for yourself that you can work towards. Please do not start big. When I mean little, I mean minute. When you are trying to change your life for the better or work towards a goal, it’s really easy to get discouraged if you feel like you are not doing enough. This is why it is so important to start small. For example, if you literally do 0 daily physical activity, and you want to start, give yourself a realistic goal that you can work on a regular basis. This can be as simple as going for a walk around your neighborhood every day, or even just walking around your home, and aiming for a certain number of steps or a certain length of time.
6. Write everything down. If you are a visual person like me, you need to be able to see and/or read everything. Writing down what you want to accomplish not only allows you to express yourself and put it out in the world/make it real, it also helps as a point of reference. It’s also crucial because it forces you to take accountability. It’s out in the world now, you’ve made note of it, you’ve acknowledged it exists and you want to work on it
7. Follow through. It’s one thing to write and/or talk about it, but it’s a completely different thing to actually do it and follow through with it. You made a plan for yourself, now it’s time to act on it. Commit to it. This might be the hardest of the steps because you actually have to do the thing that you told yourself you would/should do. This step might take a bit of conditioning and practice. Don’t be hard on yourself if you try and fail and it doesn’t stick right away. You’re adding a completely new experience to your routine, and you’re disrupting your regular schedule. Give yourself time to adjust.
8. Watch yourself grow. You did the thing! Go you! Now keep doing it! Apparently, it takes 21 days to form a new habit, so just keep doing it! Eventually, it’ll be so embedded in your routine, it’ll just feel like second nature. You got this!
By no means was this list a complete and full step by step of how to get your shit together. There’s probably a million other things you can do, and a million other ways. This was just my interpretation. If I have managed to help/motivate at least one person, or at the very least, I’ve made you feel better or put a smile on your face, then my job is done. I hope you feel content and at peace with life soon, and I believe in you.