Once you reach the bottom of your eye shadow palette, the most obvious thing to do is to toss it in the trash. But what if getting rid of your empty lipstick tubes, bronzers, and highlight packages are more harmful than it seems? Research shows that 120 billion units of makeup are produced by cosmetics companies, resulting in billions of units being thrown away. With makeup strongly holding its streak as an inclining trend, the price of it continues to rise. Check out these tips on how to properly recycle your makeup, and ways to help you save some money at the same time!
Products with Recyclable Packaging
Look for products with recyclable packaging. It’s all about doing your research and reading what your product is all about.
Brands with Recycling Programs
Brands like MAC Cosmetics have recycling programs where you can receive a free lipstick! Bring in six lipstick tubes for recycling and receive a free lipstick in return.
Brands That Give Back
Many brands like Garnier allow their customers to send in products, and with every unit they receive, the brand will donate two cents to the charity of your choice!
Support Brands that Care
It also starts with you and how put into actions what you believe in! Support brands that are eco-friendly and reuse their packaging or, that create recycling initiatives for their customers!