Dreamville’s creative hip hop duo, EarthGang, dropped their album Mirrorland the beginning of this month along with a video game inspired by the album to go along with it. Curated by Ali Graham, wh…
Tricks to Improve Engagement on Instagram
People want more followers on Instagram but don’t know how to get them. I’m going to provide you with some tips to improve your engagement and popularity on Instagram. The trick is all about …
Apple Officially Announces New TV Streaming Service
Netflix, Amazon, and Hulu will be joined by a new competitor in the TV streaming market. Apple has officially announced Apple TV Plus, a new subscription platform that offers content from celebriti…
‘DC Universe’ Streaming Service Review
With the overall success of services such as Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime, it appears that online streaming is becoming the new normal in this continuously evolving age of technology. Several bi…
5 Apps to Download Now
Apps are life. There are thousands of apps in the App Store or in Google Play so it can be challenging to sort through and figure out which ones are actually worthy of being downloaded. From medita…
Celebrities and the HUJI App Bring the 90’s to Today
The app HUJI is a disposable camera app that makes photographs look like they’re straight from the 90’s–and in 2018, it’s taking everyone by storm. The photographs taken on …
Instagram’s Top 10 Essential Applications To Edit Photos/Videos
These days, there’s an app for everything. From organizing the flow of your Instagram pictures, to looking perfect, to looping videos, and to filters upon filters. It has become easier and easier t…