We live in an increasingly stressful and mentally draining world, which is why it’s so important to give children proper care and foster their emotional and mental resilience.
Mentally strong children are more likely to live more successful lives, be happier and deal with life problems better.
Most of us love our parents; however, we recognize that some of the things they may have done have led to us suffering negative consequences as children and then as adults.
While some of these things may have been done out of a warped sense of love, here are parenting mistakes to avoid that can cause trauma:
- Ignoring their children’s achievements, refusing to give their children praise
- Constantly comparing their children to siblings, friends, cousins, etc.
- Saying things like “I feed you, put a roof over your head, and pay for your bills, and this is how you repay me?”
- Endless criticism and judgment of their children
- Favoritism among siblings
- Handing their own unachieved dreams onto their children and expecting them to fulfill it
- Spending very little time with their children or being distant in the ways they love
- Refusing to give their children emotional support
There are thousands of ways parents can affect their children’s mental health, and sometimes they are unintentional, but it’s crucial as a parent to apologize and learn from these mistakes.
The first step is recognizing what your parents did that may have caused trauma in your life, and what parts you want to let go of.
If your parents didn’t support your emotional needs and continuously did things that caused you trauma.
You didn’t deserve any of the trauma you have dealt with; you can heal from what they’ve done. You have the power to break the cycle.