Outta Bounds Podcast

Outta Bounds Ep 45 Chris Paul Officially Solidified His Harsh, but Honest Legacy.

In this week’s edition of Outta Bounds, we dissect if Chris Paul has officially solidified his harsh but honest legacy. We’ll also discuss where he ranks on the NBA All-Time list of the greatest point guards and what’s next for his future.

Time Stamps
0:00 Cold Opening
2:08 D.onniie Unleashed
23:12 Did Chris Paul Blow His Last Opportunity at a Championship?
44:44 The Fourth Quarter
49:00 NBA Conference Finals Predictions and Noel Joins Us
55:30 Noel Unleashes on Patrick Beverly
1:00:30 Could the NBA Stars of the 80s and 90s Compete with Today’s Stars?
1:04:16 Show Wrap Up