Start paying attention to how many times a day you say “sorry” and why you say it. The words “i’m sorry” can go a long way; they can transform relationships in incredibly meaningful ways, so why is…
What To Do When You Get Stuck In Your Head ?
People get stuck in their heads all the time, some of us more than others. While sometimes it’s nice to sit in solitude, most times our brains begin to unravel every thought we’ve had, and we star…
The Stigmatization Against Men’s Mental Health
The topic of mental health often centers around women. However, men’s mental health is a highly pressing issue. One of the biggest reasons men’s mental health often goes undiscussed is the stigma…
Five Types Of People You Need To Avoid In Your Life
We come across many different types of people throughout our lives. Everywhere we go, we are introduced to someone new. People can go from strangers to lifetime friends in a matter of minutes. Howe…
Imposter Syndrome: What It Is and How To Overcome It
Imposter syndrome is the internal experience of believing that you are not as competent or skilled as others consider you to be. Simply put, it’s the experience of feeling as though at any m…
Emotional Intelligence 101:Why We Need Pain
Pleasure can’t cure pain. This is because the two are on completely different spectrums. Biologically, our responses to pain and pleasure are in the same area of our brain, but emotionally, they o…
TUC 5 Fashion Trends In 2022 To Look Forward To
2022 is a big year for fashion. It’s a year of existing somewhere between at-home loungewear and full-on party mode. That intersection calls for high-class looks as well as comfort-minded oversized…
TUC 5 Things You Didn’t Learn In Sex Ed
For many people, sex ed class wasn’t exactly groundbreaking. Oftentimes, the class is so outdated that it’s rather useless. In the United States, only 24 states and D.C. have laws that mandate se…
TUC 5 Tips to Help You Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions
Chances are you’ve probably made New Year’s resolutions at some point, convinced yourself that this would be the year you follow through with them, and a month later, find yourself falling into old…
The Importance Of Taking Time To Do Nothing
As humans, we’re conditioned to associate stillness with inactivity and inactivity with unproductiveness. From an early age, we’re trained to be overworked, to believe that, if at any time, we are…