2020 has been a crazy and interesting year for everyone with many new things to try and adjust to living in a pandemic. Such as ice tsunamis happening, documented evidence of Aliens being real are put out to the public, Elon Musk creating brain chips that allow for us to communicate with our minds, and much more.
On TikTok, many users have been reporting that during the first few months of the pandemic, it feels like you haven’t been yourself at all. That more people noticed that you are dreaming more vividly, constant headaches, time flying by really fast, weird wifi problems, or can’t even sleep at all that has gone into 2021.
Now, one viral TikTok has taken notice making everyone else report on this subject on the app is talking about the weird circumstances when we entered 2021 and how we might not even be in 2021.
The TikToker goes by the name of Matthew (@officialmjcmatthew) who goes into the conspiracy behind 2021. It is rumored that upon entering 2021 we have switched dimensions, yes you read that right switched dimensions. For, some reason time is off everywhere, you can prove it by asking Siri how many days until 2021, and Siri will tell you 287 days until then. Which you find strangely weird because are we not in 2021 now?
In Times Square for the first time when the ball dropped, it was late by a supposed whole minute. Making people like Matthew believe that we did switch dimensions. That weirder and stranger things are popping up again just like they did in 2020, as the CDC updating on what to do in case if there was a Zombie Apocalypse, why would the government take time out to update this?
After, reading this and visiting Matthew’s TikTok, do you believe we have entered a time paradox in 2021? Is there some kind of glitch in the Matrix or just spreading mass hysteria for no reason, you can decide.