As the years of calling out racism and injustices continue, many people who push to ‘cancel’ people due to their racism being caught on camera, in public, or even on social media seem t…
Colonial Resentment and Spanish Extremism Alive And Well In the Age Of Social Media
A new trend among Latino TikTokers involves exaggerated imitations of speakers of the Castellano dialect, which is the predominant form of Spanish that can be found where the language originated, S…
No Longer All White, Black Suburbs are More Politically Active
For people such as Donald Trump, the ideal suburbs will always be filled with only white people but the problem is that he and others like him, thinks about the 1950s as an exclusively white place …
Viral Video of Chair Padded with Slave Hair Causes Twitter to Question How Watered Down Slavery Is
The video made its way on the internet in 2016, having many people react to it before it slowly became forgotten. However, the video seemed to gain attention again on Twitter this month. The video …
Racism on the Runway
Fashion Institute of Technology, Commes de Garçon, Gucci, Prada, and H&M. All of these names have one thing in common besides fashion — they’ve exploited and made racist designs against b…
Is it Possible to be Transracial?: Racheal Dolezal Documentary Coming to Netflix
Three years ago Racheal Dolezal, a 40-year-old woman from Montana, went viral for claiming she was black and changing her appearance. Now it’s 2018, Donald Trump is still president, and Netfl…