The Notorious B.I.G. will forever be an influence in Hip Hop. Thankfully, we’ve been able to carry on his legacy through his music, but no one can carry it on better than his offspring – his son, C…
#UptownUptown – Celebrating the Life and Legacy of Music Pioneer And Uptown Records Founder Andre Harrell
Today, hip-hop and R&B is regarded as two of the most popularized genres of music. With the cultures of hip-hop and R&B undergoing many changes in sound production and quality, new artists…
#ILoveItWhenTheyCallUs – The Notorious B.I.G, Chaka Khan, & Whitney Houston Are The Nominees for the 2020 Rock and Roll Fame
“I LOVE IT WHEN YOU CALL ME BIG POPPA. “ This is one of the most famous lines by slain hip hop legend The Notorious B.I.G from the song “Big Poppa” back in 1994. Respectfully, this is one of the v…