The Marvel Cinematic Universe has been a dominating force for entertainment this past year, shifting over into the television sphere with their recent shows available on the Disney+ streaming servi…
‘Spider-Man: Far from Home’ Review: A New Beginning For Marvel
Did we just get a sneak peek at possible Marvel Phase Four plans to come? After the epic and heart-breaking events that occurred during Avengers: Endgame earlier this Spring, Marvel fans and movieg…
‘Venom’ Movie Review
Being a comic book lover and an avid movie goer, it can feel imperative that a movie based around a pre-established and popular character is done correctly. Usually meaning that it’s expected that …
Marvel’s Spider-Man – Your Boyfriend’s New Obsession
Ever been on FaceTime with bae, and half of it consists of him violently pushing down his controller buttons and getting too excited at the TV? Well, if he lays his hands on the new Spider-Man game…