In August 2020, the Cuomo brothers were at the center of the U.S news. People everywhere gushed over Andrew Cuomo, who had just completed a book deal worth more than $5 million and went on to rece…
Ice Cube Clearly States He’s Not Endorsing Any Specific Presidential Campaign
Ice Cube is facing backlash after news circulated that he was teaming up with Donald Trump during his presidential campaign for his Contract With Black America. Fans were shocked to hear the confus…
#DidTupacComeBack? – Kentucky Gov. Andy Bashear Addresses Man Who Named Himself After the Famous Rapper
As we all know, it’s been over 20 years since the untimely death of rapper and actor Tupac Shakur who died from his injuries from a drive-by related shooting in Las Vegas, Nevada back in 1996…
#IfYouDon’tRun4Me – Rapper Cardi B Goes On Instagram Live with Former Democratic Candidate Bernie Sanders
It has been over a month since President Trump declared that Americans should self-quarantine and practice social distancing in the midst of the global COVID-19 pandemic. Since then, the 2020 Presi…