Kenny Santos
40 Articles0 Comments

No More Sad Stories From Africa

Since the end of imperialism, much of Africa has struggled to pick itself up from being under the boot of Western colonial powers. The continent’s reputation has been marred in foreign media …

Investing In A Post Pandemic World

With COVID-19 Pandemic Quarantines resurging with no end in sight, it may be difficult to think of a time when all these talks of stimulus bills and social distancing will be a thing of the past. H…

Did COVID Tank The Movie Industry?

When COVID-19 first arrived on American shores, our infrastructure was ill-prepared to receive it, let alone our businesses. It was particularly industries whose daily operations necessitated the h…

Can We Trust The Stock Market?

Until its recent 2% dip, the stock market has been unusually high. Unusual in that stock prices for major and mid-sized companies have become super inflated in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, al…