For many people, sex ed class wasn’t exactly groundbreaking. Oftentimes, the class is so outdated that it’s rather useless. In the United States, only 24 states and D.C. have laws that mandate se…
Why Sex Work Should Be Decriminalized
For many generations, sex workers have been fighting for decriminalization. Sex workers have been advocating for their rights in America since 1917. In 1917 more than 200 prostitutes marched on Cen…
The Risks of Roe v. Wade Being Overturned
The Supreme Court recently heard arguments for Dobbs v Jackson, a court determining the constitutionality of a Mississippi law that bans abortion after 15 weeks of pregnancy. The case directly cha…
A Place You Must Visit: The Civil Rights Museum. (ATL)
Photo courtesy of Atlanta’s own Center for Civil and Human Rights opened its doors in 2007. Since then its goal to bridge the gap between American Civil Rights Movem…